

Page history last edited by rmackel@... 10 years, 6 months ago


East Lincoln Womens Tennis       


Practice for the 2014 season will start on 8/1/2014 at 4:00 PM.


Please have your physical, concussion and contract for participation forms filled out prior to starting practice.  You will not be able to practice without them.


All forms are available at http://elhs.lincoln.k12.nc.us/site_res_view_folder.aspx?id=c10fb47b-806a-4195-b8d7-07388f15f3c3     



Practice for the 2014 season will be Mon-Thur  4:00 to 5:30 P.M. and Friday 3:30 to 4:30 P.M.


All regular season matches are scheduled to start at 4:00



East Lincoln Women’s Tennis Schedule 2014


Aug     1         First day of practice


            18        North Lincoln                                                 Away

            19        Forestview                                                     Home


            26        Lincoln Charter                                              Away

            27        Cherryville                                                     Away

            28        East Gaston                                                   Home


Sep      1          Labor day no school

            3          North Gaston  (Biggerstaff Park)                    Away

            4          Hopewell                                                     Home


            9          East Gaston                                                  Away

            11        Lincolnton                                                     Home


            16        Bunker Hill                                                     Away

            18        West Caldwell                                                Home


            23        Maiden                                                         Away

            25        West Lincoln                                                  Away


            30        Bandys                                                          Home

Oct      2          Newton Conover                                             Home 


            7          Conference Tournament                                 Away

            8          Conference Tournament                                 Away


            17        Individual Regionals   

            18        Individual Regionals


                        Dual Team Dates 10/14,21,27,29 11/1




Coach Mackel



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